Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Government Relationship with Its People

The aim of Ehud Olmert’s government over the next four years, until the next elections, is to fix Israel’s official borders for all of the people in the country. The main goal is to establish borders between Israel and Palestine, which will hopefully put an end to the fighting and disagreements between the two. Olmert calls his plan the convergence plan. He will also try to move 70,000 Jewish people from the West Bank (Palestine) back into Israel to try to make progress with this plan. If the fighting does stop, this will benefit the whole country, since there won’t be rocket attacks, hostages, etc. The citizens of Israel, as well as many government parties, are behind Olmert’s decision.

The other type of relationship between the government and the people of Israel is the elections that the whole country can take part in. Kadima, Olmert’s party, is also quite popular with the public.

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